
This page compares all the shared & owned beers for ingredients in your inventory and sorts them by available ingredients. If you feel like brewing NOW, select this page & check out a recipe.


I heard people like the ingredient costs calculation that brewfather offers.... Well ok then 😁
As always this is very fresh code so expect some issues.....


Updated the Brewmates import UI & changed the beer.xml import to match.
This allows you to check the recipe and your stock before you import the recipe!


2nd update this weekend, weather must be bad 😜
The inventory is now directly visible within the recipe, even for brewfather recipes. No need to import to brewmates.beer in order to check the ingredients in stock.


There is now a rudimentary inventory system available on brewmates.beer.
Select a recipe, click a button and you will know that everything is at hand. It can even deduct the recipes ingredients from the inventory stock for each brew and a shopping list for ingredients below threshold.