1 Mash

Mash stage: 1


Amount (gr)SRM
Pilsner Malt 900.00 3.50
Caramunich Malt 170.00 56.00
Corn Flaked 60.00 2.00
Special B Malt 75.00 180.00
Candy Sugar 140.00 1.50
Carafa Special Type 3 30.00 625.00
Chocolate Malt 15.00 350.00
Carafa Type 1 30.00 450.00

Mashing scheme

Start temp. in °CDuration (min)
1 63.0 35.0
2 70.0 35.0
3 78.0 1.0

Mash stage: 2


Amount (gr)SRM
Chocolate Malt 15.00 350.00
Caramunich Malt 170.00 56.00
Corn Flaked 60.00 2.00
Special B Malt 75.00 180.00
Candy Sugar 140.00 1.50
Carafa Type 1 30.00 450.00
Carafa Special Type 3 30.00 625.00
Pilsner Malt 900.00 3.50

Mashing scheme

Start temp. in °CDuration (min)
1 63.0 35.0
2 70.0 35.0
3 78.0 1.0

2 Boil

Boiling time: 75 min

HopsAmount (gr)Duration (min)Alpha
Bramling Cross 11.00 75 6.0
Hallertauer Mittelfrueh 8.00 15 3.5
Other IngredientsAmount (gr)Duration
Thyme 1.00 5
Orange Peel (Sweet) 2.00 5
Cinnamon Stick 3.00 5
Coriander Seed 2.00 5

3 Fermentation

Fermentation scheme

TemperatureEnd TemperatureDurationAdditions
PRIM (Airlock) 19.0 19.0 3.0 days
SafAle T-58 - 11.00gr
22.0 22.0 2.0 days
SECND 12.0 15.0 1.0 days
15.0 15.0 5.0 days
COND 5.0 5.0 10.0 days


Really nice! Compared to Pannepot reserva 2018 bourbon barrel aged it clearly family. The thyme, cinnamon and coriander seed together with the esters from the T58 yeast make a lovely combination.

  • eelco van der snoek
  • 11-12-2020 18:05:13